Saturday, December 8, 2012

On A Journey As A Writer

As a child who often finds it rather difficult to speak her mind without being misunderstood, a pen and a paper are considered allies to battle with emotions I could not let out in fear of consequences I could never handle. A diary had always been a part of my life, a keepsake holding what raw catastrophe of thoughts and secrets harbored over the years 'til present. Reading a few entries I've made years ago, I could not help but be bewildered at how my own play with words had somehow transformed these written experiences into a continuous mesh of a novel and an anecdote, that would leave me scratching my head and sometimes laughing in spite of myself. Somehow, I turned my own life into a story that I enjoy reading every once in a while, a physical proof that I am my own adventure after all and a lead actor in my own little world.

Stories of people fascinate me  no matter how amusing, tragic, peculiar or gruesome they may be. All kinds of stories from word of mouth; books that I find at the fiction section of the school library; periodicals and tabloids and various magazines, all the way up to broadway and the silver screen had materialized from man's insatiable thirst to conjure an infinite cycle of human life put into writing to be read, to inspire people to live and maybe, write about it in turn. I'd like to think that this cycle has led to the creation of the moving pictures, otherwise known to many as movies.

Among the many forms of writing, one of the most revered is the transition of certain books into a movie script and the movie version of  that book, an art I'm particularly fond of and had tried doing as a high school project from years ago. Screenwriting, like a good book, takes time and careful creation especially when screen writers choose to stay true to the book itself. The trick is to satisfy one part of the audience that read the book and retelling the story without getting lost to another part of the audience who had not seen the pages of that particular book. The location of filming and the casting of award-winning Hollywood actors are carefully considered to give justice to the story. According to one of my favorite writers, Stephen King, “If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” This particularly refers to any type of writer's willingness to learn and absorb as much knowledge as one can and to work hard in achieving a goal. I am very much pleased with for providing me with the basic elements I needed to learn to improve my knowledge in scriptwriting. Any aspiring writer should welcome constructive criticism from other fellow writers as well. 

Either true to life or imaginary, a good story is meant to capture the fascination of the audience and to bring out their emotions upon seeing and listening to it. All the award-giving bodies in the world could never replace an avid reader's enthusiastic embrace for a writer's well-written, entertaining and inspiring creation born from the depths of one's infinite imagination. 

1 comment:

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